While it’s always wise to conserve natural resources, the recent price of gasoline has made even the most wasteful people think twice. The Pros at David’s Automotive Repair offer these tips for conserving fuel and saving money:
* Monitor Tires; if they’re under-inflated or poorly aligned, your engine works harder.
* Less weight means better mileage.
* Remove excess items and only keep emergency gear in your vehicle.
* Shorten and consolidate errands and trips.
* Drive gently and observe speed limits.
* Avoid sudden acceleration.
* Only use the A/C when you have to.
* Keep maintenance on your vehicle to maximize top performance and gas mileage.
* Only certified ASE Professionals should do all repairs.
For more information, call or stop by David's Automotive!
Veteran-Owned, ASE-Certified, and Customer-Focused.
Auto Repair Professionals You Can Trust.
David's Automotive Repair
Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
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